Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Do we want a surgeon, construction worker, etc. to do (know) only 70% of the work?

Students are shooting for a passing grade regardless of how many competencies they fail to demonstrate. Competency based learning is definitely a great idea for assessment of student learning outcomes (SLO) and ensuring students are capable to perform ALL of the objectives to a minimum. I think I’ve shared with some of you the idea that a 70% C does no longer mean that the student completed each of the assignments with a 70% proficiency. It can mean that the student only did 70% of the work and left off those remaining 30% for whatever reason without completion.

The only way to ensure the complete assessment of all SLO’s for a course is to require a level of success for each SLO. Some of them may be set at 70%; others that are more important can be higher and even up to 100% proficiency. We should ensure the assessment of student proficiency of each and every SLO.

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